TAP into Technology | Garland Technology Blog

[SlideShare] TAP Toons: The Student has Become the Network Master - Part 2

Written by Tim O'Neill | 10/11/16 12:00 PM

Everyone has been there, new on the job, trying to get your foot in the door, among more experienced co-workers. 

Network Engineer’s are always learning and evolving, with technology changing at warp speed, the saying of "old dogs can't learn new tricks" does not apply to this crew.

In TAP Toons: The Student has Become the Network Master - Part 1, we followed our two engineers in a common scenario, using TAP vs SPAN. In response to quality complaints, our engineers realize, finding the solution is sometimes easier when you take a step back and see every bit, byte and packet®.

Now, in TAP Toons: The Student has Become the Network Master - Part 2, we find where our engineer's left off, was the data good enough in the court of law? 

Make sure you caught TAP Toons: Adventured in Network Engineering - Network vs Security, How to end the finger pointing.



To learn more about using TAP vs SPAN, download our free white paper: TAP vs SPAN Real Network Visualization - Consideration for Professionals.