TAP into Technology | Garland Technology Blog

The Deployment Defender: Ensuring Network Uptime with Bypass TAPs

Written by Jerry Dillard | 11/16/23 1:00 PM


In this comprehensive blog post, we explore the critical role of bypass TAPs in inline security deployments. By providing a fail-safe mechanism, bypass TAPs protect networks from costly downtime during maintenance or upgrades of inline security devices.

With the deployment defender, your business can fortify its network's defenses, ensure uninterrupted operations, and safeguard its reputation in the face of evolving cyber threats. 


Network security is a top business priority. After all, if the data you access isn't secure, will you have the confidence to move forward?

Inline security deployments play a crucial role in safeguarding networks against cyber threats. However, relying solely on inline security devices can pose significant risks, particularly regarding network downtime.

Join us as we explore how you can ensure network uptime with a critical safety component: Bypass TAPS. We will shed light on the vital role of bypass TAPs in inline security deployments, emphasizing how these ingenious devices act as deployment defenders, uninterrupted service, and operations.

The Importance of Inline Security Deployments

Before we delve into the significance of bypass TAPs, let's first understand the importance of inline security deployments. Inline security devices, such as intrusion prevention systems (IPS) and firewalls, are positioned directly in the data path to inspect and filter network traffic.

They serve as the first defense against cyber threats, detecting and mitigating potential attacks in real-time. Inline security deployments protect businesses from cyberattacks by intercepting malicious traffic before it can reach its intended destination.

This helps to defend critical assets and sensitive data, preventing potentially devastating consequences.

The Dilemma of Network Downtime

While inline security devices play a vital role in network defense, they also introduce a potential vulnerability - network downtime. During maintenance, upgrades, or even hardware failures, inline security devices can become points of failure, causing network interruptions.

Network downtime disrupts business operations, impacts revenue, and tarnishes a company's reputation. Your business cannot afford to compromise network availability, especially in the face of relentless cyber threats.

Introducing Bypass TAPs: The Deployment Defender

Bypass TAPs offer an elegant and effective solution to network downtime in inline security deployments. These smart devices act as deployment defenders, providing a fail-safe mechanism to ensure network continuity during maintenance or upgrades of inline security tools.

Bypass TAPs enable security teams to manage the availability of inline tools without affecting the network's operational efficiency.

The Magic of Bypass TAPs Explained

So, how do bypass TAPs work their magic? Bypass TAPs are strategically placed between the inline security devices and the network links in the network infrastructure. In normal operations, the bypass TAPs pass the network traffic to the inline security devices. Nevertheless, bypass TAPs instantly detect the issue during maintenance or a failure event and redirect the traffic away from the inline security devices. (Read how Bypass TAPs use Heartbeat packets here.)

Simplifying Complicated Network Design Topologies with Bypass TAPs

Complicated network design topologies can present significant challenges for IT teams, especially regarding inline security deployments. These complex setups often involve multiple security devices, firewalls, and critical network elements.

Without careful planning and management, these intricate designs can lead to bottlenecks, latency issues, and an increased risk of downtime.

Here's how these helpful defenders come into play:

Redundancy and Resilience:

In complex network designs, redundancy is essential to ensure continuous operations during a device failure. Bypass TAPs can provide automatic failover mechanisms that route traffic around a failed inline security device, maintaining network availability and preventing costly downtime.

Bypass TAPs enhance network resilience, mitigating the risk of service disruptions and bolstering overall reliability.

Flexibility and Scalability

Bypass TAPs are designed to be highly flexible and scalable, making them suitable for intricate network architectures that may undergo changes and expansions over time. As network requirements evolve, bypass TAPs can easily accommodate new security devices and changes in the network layout.

This adaptability allows IT teams to efficiently manage complex topologies without sacrificing security or performance.

Traffic Optimization

In intricate network topologies, traffic optimization becomes crucial to ensure efficient data flow and minimize latency. Bypass TAPs can intelligently handle traffic, redirecting it to the appropriate security devices for inspection while maintaining smooth data transmission.

Bypass TAPs contribute to a more streamlined and responsive network by optimizing traffic flow.

Segmentation and Isolation

In complex networks, segmentation is often used to separate departments, applications, or user groups. Bypass TAPs can facilitate segmentation by directing specific traffic to dedicated inline security devices or separate monitoring tools. 

This isolation enhances security and simplifies network management by enabling fine-grained control over traffic handling.

Mitigating Risks and Protecting the Network

The value of bypass TAPs lies in their ability to mitigate the risks associated with network downtime. By redirecting traffic away from the inline security devices during maintenance or hardware failures, bypass TAPs ensure that the network remains operational and secure.

This proactive network management approach minimizes potential downtime's impact, safeguarding businesses from financial losses and reputation damage.

Safeguarding Network Uptime with Bypass TAPs 

Network security is the superhero, and downtime is the arch-nemesis, capable of wreaking havoc on your business's operational efficiency and reputation. Inline security deployments are essential for protecting networks from cyber threats, but they can inadvertently become points of failure, leading to network interruptions.

The deployment defender, also known as bypass TAPs, emerges as a knight in shining armor, ensuring network uptime during maintenance or upgrades of inline security tools.

Looking to add an external bypass solution to your inline security tool deployment, but not sure where to start? Join us for a brief network Design-IT consultation or demo. No obligation - it’s what we love to do.


  1. Inline Security Deployments: Inline security deployments involve positioning security devices directly in the data path to inspect and filter network traffic in real time.
  2. Network Downtime: Network downtime refers to periods when the network is unavailable due to maintenance, upgrades, or hardware failures, causing disruptions to business operations.
  3. Bypass TAPs: Bypass TAPs are smart devices placed between inline security devices and network links in the network infrastructure. They redirect traffic from the inline security devices during maintenance or failure events to ensure network uptime.
  4. Network Continuity: Network continuity refers to a network's uninterrupted availability and operation without downtime or interruptions
  5. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS): A security solution that actively monitors network traffic to detect and prevent cyber threats, providing real-time protection by inspecting packets and taking immediate action against malicious traffic.