Case Study: Telecommunications
Improve Visibility to Enhance Remediation and Resolve Vulnerability
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Prepaid Wireless Group, one of the largest mobile virtual network aggregators (MVNA) in North America, hosts part of its operations on a U.S. Tier 1 mobile network operator (MNO). The company’s business customers are mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) and end users. Their network is a complicated, disparate hybrid network with both fixed and cloud deployments. It has massive technical and operational challenges with a multi-vendor and multi-partner environment. Prepaid Wireless Group needed to improve network visibility and reliability as well as improve network remediation to resolve network vulnerability.
The first challenge was to establish one platform across heterogeneous networks that integrated applications and shielded them from network complexity. Network troubleshooting and resolution among multiple vendors prevented staff from concentrating on business expansion.
The second challenge was to improve visibility and to monitor network traffic in real-time. The complicated, disparate network obscured root causes of issues due to inaccessible data.
To improve network visibility to enhance service and prevent customer churn.
The first step was to establish a virtual network operation center (vNOC) to provide much needed technical advice and operational support. This gave a real time service infrastructure for monitoring and maintenance, freeing them from technical and operational worry.
Prepaid Wireless Group deployed Garland Technology’s SelectTAPTM using 40G passive fiber TAPs and a PacketMAXTM: 100G Advanced Aggregator with breakout cables feeding into Cirries’ PacketPoint, packet capture appliances.
"We need performance and consistency from our TAP/Aggregator parter and Garland Technology remains second-to-none delivering 100% reliability, competitive pricing and logistics at full scale."
-Rick Aguirre, President
Cirries Technologies
TAP and Aggregation Deployment

Diagram 1: SelectTAP sending traffic through the PacketMAX to be aggregated though to the PacketPoint appliance.
The Cirries PacketPoint suite and Garland Technology solution extracts data as raw packets, flows and logs to visualize and monitor network traffic. This will provide complete network visibility and give Prepaid Wireless Group the tools to improve network performance.
"The combination of superior products and comprehensive vNOC services provides us peace of mind for these complex technologies which allows us to concentrate on growing our business."
-Stuart Chowning, CTO
Prepaid Wireless Group, LLC
- Streamline data collection workflows for analysis during troubleshooting or security incident response providing enhanced IT productivity.
- Improved visibility provided network troubleshooting and resolution.
- Reduced complexity and Improve network performance
Looking to add visibility, but not sure where to start? Join us for a brief network Design-IT Demo or consultation. No obligation - it’s what we love to do.
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