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Visibility Solutions

Garland Technology is committed to educating the benefits of having a strong foundation of network visibility and access. By providing this insight we protect the security of data across your network and beyond.


Garland Technology's resource library offers free use of white papers, eBooks, use cases, infographics, data sheets, video demos and more.


The TAP into Technology blog provides the latest news and insights on network access and visibility, including: network security, network monitoring and appliance connectivity and guest blogs from Industry experts and technology partners


Our extensive technology partnership ecosystem solves critical problems when it comes to network security, monitoring, application analysis, forensics and packet inspection.


Garland Technology is dedicated to high standards in quality and reliability, while delivering the greatest economical solutions for enterprise, service providers, and government agencies worldwide.


Whether you are ready to make a network TAP your foundation of visibility or just have questions, please contact us. Ask us about the Garland Difference!

Inline Tool Chaining

IT Security Solutions

Challenge: How to manage multiple inline security tools

Our team is tasked with deploying and managing a growing list of security tools, including SIEM, logging, IPS, DDOS, encryption, firewalls, web application firewall and threat detection.

We are supposed to deploy all of these to two critical links within the core of our network. How do we deploy and manage all of these without creating multiple points of failure?


IT teams managing multiple security solutions need an easy way to connect all of their inline and out-of-band tools, so they can effectively keep the network up and running but secure at the same time.

Chaining allows you to pass traffic through multiple inline tools, while being able to independently monitor the health of each inline tool with bypass heartbeats. In the case of failed heartbeats, you can manually or automatically move your inline device out-of-band to manage, update or optimize.

Garland’s EdgeLens line of bypass TAP packet broker hybrids, provides an easy, hardware base chaining solution, that allows you to plug and play multiple inline and out-of-band tools between multiple network segments. If one of the tools in the chain can't keep up, load balance to the other tools 1:1 or 1:N tools.

Bypass TAP “inline lifecycle management” allows you to easily take tools out-of-band for updates, installing patches, maintenance or troubleshooting to optimize and validate before pushing back inline.

EdgeLens Chaining