TAP Into Technology Blog: Healthcare (2)
Hijacking Healthcare: Securing Your Smart Devices & Data
When you’re a patient at a hospital, the last thing on your mind is how secure the hospital’s electronic records are. All you want to do is recover. Both patients and staff should be concerned about the safety of digital healthcare...
Data at Risk Series: Cyber Security Needs of the Healthcare Industry
Back in 2013, the healthcare industry took over as the highest value sector of the United States economy with about $21.8 billion in revenue. Healthcare is huge and the sensitive nature of patient information and health records puts a big...
Hijacking Healthcare: Ransomware Attacks vs. Health Record Security
We’ve touched on the looming presence of ransomware in the healthcare industry in the past—but this year it hit especially close to home. In April 2017, Erie County Medical Center, located just a few miles from our Buffalo, NY office, was...
Hijacking Healthcare: Is DTSec Regulation the Solution for IoT enabled devices?
The recent jump in cyber attacks against the healthcare industry—especially ransomware attacks—aren’t a coincidence. The reality is that the healthcare industry presents the perfect opportunity for attackers. A balance of valuable personal...
Data at Risk Series: Healthcare Cyber Security - is Now Life or Death
In our first Data at Risk post about healthcare, we discussed the current state of security in the industry. After highlighting the key vulnerabilities for healthcare providers—the move to digital patient records, aging electronic medical...