TAP Into Technology Blog: Inline Security (4)
MSSPs: The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Network Security
When firewalls emerged to protect networks in the early 1990s, outsourcing cyber security to a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) wasn’t even a consideration. However, defending your network from sophisticated cyber attackers today...
The 101 Series: Quick Connect Tips for Inline Security Appliances
You just bought a brand new inline security appliance—a next-gen firewall, intrusion prevention system (IPS), data leakage prevention (DLP) system or web application firewall—and you’re ready to deploy it in your network. But then it sits...
The Role of Bypass Solutions in a Network Visibility Fabric
Designing complete network visibility solutions takes more than just Network TAPs and Network Packet Brokers at key points in the access and aggregation layers of the network. With network security being more important than ever before,...
Complete Network Visibility: Your First Line of Defense
Cyber attacks have become more persistent and sophisticated, leaving security professionals tasked with bolstering the network’s edge with a layer of complex security devices; each responsible for detecting, stopping, and analyzing...
How to Analyze Traffic Before and After Your Inline Device
It’s a well known fact that financial institutions are the biggest target of data breaches, with that single sector comprising 35% of all data breaches worldwide. With billions of dollars at stake, companies are realizing that they must...
Network Security Starts with EdgeLens®
Designed to redefine how you secure the edge of your network, Garland Technology is excited to announce the launch of our new, high density EdgeLens®, an inline security packet broker that is purpose-built to manage the network’s edge.